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ASE Scheduling
Обмеження: 4 сек., 1024 МіБ
The Adaptive Security Engine (ASE) is the next-generation content security processing engine for security gateways. It integrates proxy functionality, TLS decryption, and Next-Generation Engine (NGE) into a single engine, reducing scheduling overhead, and can additionally flexibly switch between stream and proxy modes in an adaptive manner, dynamically optimizing business processing.
The ASE computation graph can be abstracted as follows:
Incoming packets first arrive at node 1 (HPF-Rx), go through multiple stages of computation depending on their type, and finally are sent out after node 10 (HPF-Tx). The delay of a packet is the duration between when it arrives and when it is sent out.
There are 3 types of packets:
Payload packets, which contain the actual data being transmitted;
SYN packets, which are the first packet of a stream that will trigger stream creation;
ACK packets, which acknowledge the receipt of a message and do not contain data.
Their computation paths are shown in the above figure. A packet can be processed by a computation node only after it has been processed by the previous node on the path.
One key feature of ASE is batch processing. In a task of ASE, we select a batch of packets of the same type and perform their computation on a computation node. The computation time depends on the computation node, the batch size, and the packet type; the cost model of the ASE system will be specified later.
Another important feature of ASE is hardware offloading. In node 4 and node 6, after processing a batch of packets on the CPU, the packets will be sent to a queue (both node 4 and node 6 share the same queue), and a separate hardware accelerator will process the packets one by one in FIFO order. The hardware execution is asynchronous: after sending the batch of packets to the queue, the execution of the task on node 4/6 ends and the CPU is available for a new task, but a packet can be processed by node 5/7 only after its hardware execution completes.
In this problem, we assume ASE is deployed on a single CPU core, so only one task can be executed at the same time (except the execution on the hardware accelerator). Once a task starts, it will run to completion without interruption. When no task is running, the scheduler can form a new task and run it.
Your task is to implement a scheduler for ASE that optimizes the average delay of packets. You can find more information on scoring in the Scoring section of the problem statement.
Please note that this is an interactive problem. Your solution will communicate with the interactor through the stdin/stdout streams.
Interaction protocol
The first 20 lines of the input describe the costs of the computation nodes. Each line starts with three integers \(i\), \(j\) and \(b_{ij}\) — the index of the computation node, the type of the packet, and the batch limit. Next, there are \(b_{ij}\) integers, the \(k\)-th integer \(c_{ijk}\) describes the CPU execution time for a batch of computation on the node \(i\) with packet type \(j\) and batch size \(k\).
The 21-st line contains three integers \(c_4\), \(c_6\) and \(c_r\) — the time for processing a packet by the hardware accelerator at node 4, the time for processing a packet by the hardware accelerator at node 6, and the time for trying to receive incoming packets. Note that the computation graph and its cost model are fixed for this problem.
The next line contains a single integer \(n\), which specifies the number of packets in this testcase. After reading the integer \(n\) you should start the interaction to receive further data.
You can perform two types of actions:
\(t\): Try to receive incoming packets. In order to make this action you should print a characterR
followed by an integer \(t\) denoting the start time of this call. Please note, that the value \(t\) should be strictly greater than the end time of the previous action (or greater than 0 for the first action).After that, you should first read an integer \(p\) — the number of packets that you received, and then \(p\) lines of data describing the packets. Each line contains three integers \(id\), \(type_{id}\) and \(arrive_{id}\) — the ID of the packet, the type of the packet, and the arrival time of the packet. You will receive all packets that arrive after the previous call of action 1 and no later than time \(t\). The incoming packets are ordered according to their arrival time.
If you read a value \(p = -1\), this means that the time \(t\) that you printed is invalid. In this case, you have to stop the execution of your program immediately, and you will receive a
Wrong Answer
verdict for the current test case.This action takes time \(c_r\): the start time of the action is \(t\) and the end time is \(t + c_r - 1\). You can start the next action at the time \(t + c_r\) or later.
\(t\) \(i\) \(s\) \(id_1\) \(id_2\) \(...\) \(id_s\): Execute a task. In order to make this action you should print a characterE
, followed by an integer \(t\) denoting the start time of this task, an integer \(i\) denoting the index of the computation node, an integer \(s\) denoting the number of packets in the batch, and \(s\) integers \(id_k\) indicating the IDs of the packets in this batch. The value \(t\) should be strictly greater than the end time of the previous action (or greater than 0 for the first action). The packets in the batch must be of the same type \(j\).If \(i = 4\) or \(i = 6\), the batch of packets will be added to the end of the hardware queue in this order. The hardware accelerator will start processing the packet \(id_1\) at time \(max(t + c_{ijs}, Q)\) and finish at time \(max(t + c_{ijs}, Q) + c_i - 1\). The packet \(id_1\) will be available for further processing at node \(i+1\) at time \(max(t + c_{ijs}, Q) + c_i\). The hardware accelerator will start processing the packet \(id_k\) at time \(max(t + c_{ijs}, Q) + (k - 1) * c_i\) and finish at time \(max(t + c_{ijs}, Q) + k * c_i - 1\). The packet \(id_k\) will be available for further processing at node \(i+1\) at time \(max(t + c_{ijs}, Q) + k * c_i\).
The value \(Q\) indicates a time unit when the hardware accelerator becomes available to process the next packet. After this action, the value \(Q\) becomes equal \(min(t + c_{ijs}, Q) + s * c_i\). Please note that there is a single queue for both notes 4 and 6. Initially (before the first action) the value \(Q\) is equal to 1.
This action takes time \(c_{ijs}\): the start time of the action is \(t\) and the end time is \(t + c_{ijs} - 1\). You can start the next action at the time \(t + c_{ijs}\) or later.
After that, you should read a value \(p\). If \(p = 0\) then the action was valid, and you can continue with the interaction. If \(p = -1\) then the action was invalid. In this case, you have to stop the execution of your program immediately, and you will receive a
Wrong Answer
verdict for the current test case.
After the execution of tasks on the last node (\(i = 10\)), all packets within this action
are considered to be processed at time \(t +
c_{ijs}\): \(processed_{id_k} = t +
c_{ijs}\). When all \(n\)
packets have completed processing, the interaction is over. Your
solution must stop its execution. You will receive an
verdict for this test case and your score will be
Input constraints
\(1 \le i \le 10\),
\(1 \le j \le 3\),
\(1 \le b_{ij} \le 16\),
\(1 \le c_{ijk} \le 1000\),
\(c_4 = 31\),
\(c_7 = 107\),
\(c_r = 20\),
\(1 \le n \le 10^4\),
\(1 \le id \le n\),
all \(id\) values are unique,
\(1 \le arrive_{id} \le 5 \cdot 10^6\),
\(1 \le type_{id} \le 3\),
\(-1 \le p \le n\).
Output constraints
\(1 \le i \le 10\),
\(1 \le s \le b_{i, type_{id_1}}\),
\(1 \le id_k \le n\),
\(1 \le t \le 10^7\),
value \(t\) should be greater than the end time of the previous action (or greater than 0 for the first action),
all packets in the batch should be ready for execution on the node \(i\) at the time \(t\),
all packets in the batch should have the same type.
Interaction example
Please follow this link to view an interaction example (make sure to use HTML view). There, you can find input and output examples, a detailed explanation of each step, as well as the location and progress of each packet.
If your solution performs an invalid action or violates one of the output constraints, it is considered to be incorrect, and for such a test case you receive 0 points. Otherwise, your score is calculated as follows:
\[score = \max\left(0, \left\lfloor \left(10^4-d_{ave}\right)\cdot 10^3\right\rfloor \right)\]
Where \(d_{ave}\) is the average delay of packet processing:
\[d_{ave} = \frac{\sum_{k=1}^n \left(processed_k - arrive_k\right)}{n}\]
Your overall score is the sum of your scores over all test cases.
The execution time limit is 4 seconds per test case and the memory limit is 1024 mebibytes.
The code size limit is 64 kibibytes.
The compilation time limit is 1 minute.
There are 50 provisional test cases. Your submissions will be evaluated on the provisional set during the submission phase.
You can submit your code once every 30 minutes, and you will receive feedback with your score for each of the provisional tests.
There will be 500 test cases in the final testing after the submission phase is over. Please note that provisional tests are not included in the final testing. The final results will be announced in one week.
Quick start
Check the sample solution, which implements a very simple algorithm: iterate through the nodes, look for packets available for processing, and process them in batches of one packet; if no packets are found, receive new ones.
Local testing
You have access to the generator, checker, and scorer, as well as a tool for local testing of your solution. All of them are implemented using Algotester Library and Algotester Generator Library. You can download the source codes of both libraries using the following links: algotester.h, algotester_generator.h. Both files should be placed into the same directory as the problem source codes.
Please note that the generator, checker, and scorer provided to you are actually used to score your solutions on the Algotester website. You can use the source codes to clarify any questions that you have about the test cases, scoring, or the interaction protocol.
All test cases, including provisional and final sets, are generated by the generator. You can use the generator to create tests for local testing by using a few simple steps:
Save the generator source code to a file named
Compile the source code:
g++ generator.cpp -O2 -o generator
Generate a test case
./generator <seed>
This will print a test case for a specific seed to standard output.
The purpose of the checker in this problem is to read the test input data and interact with your solution: provide it with test data and read your solution’s output. The checker also checks your solution for validity: it will print an error message to stdout if your solution is incorrect on a given test case. If the stdout of the checker is empty, this means that your solution is correct on the current test case.
The scorer reads the test case input data as well as an interaction log created by the checker and scores your solution. Please note that the scorer assumes that the solution provided correct outputs for the test case, i.e. the checker did not print anything into stdout.
The tool for local testing automates the process of managing the solution, checker, scorer, and generator. In order to use the local testing tool, follow these steps:
Save the interactor source code to a file named
.Save the checker source code to a file named
.Save the scorer source code to a file named
.Save the generator source code to a file named
.Compile the checker, scorer, and generator source codes:
g++ checker.cpp -O2 -o checker g++ scorer.cpp -O2 -o scorer g++ generator.cpp -O2 -o generator
Prepare your solution for execution (compile the code for compiled languages (C++, Java, C#); do nothing for interpreted languages (Python, Node)).
Write down the command for the solution execution (for example: C++:
, Python:python solution.py
, Java:java solution.class
).Pass the command and the path to the input file to the interactor. Use the
command to find out what the tool can do.python interactor.py --solution "./solution" --test_file "in.txt" python interactor.py --solution "python solution.py" --test_file "in.txt" --seed 47 python interactor.py --help
The interactor will generate the test (in case that
is specified), launch your solution with the checker, and then if the checker finds no errors in your solution, launch the scorer to calculate your score for the test. The interactor prints a detailed log of the process to stdout.
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РеєстраціяElement Type | Створено | Хто | Задача | Компілятор | Результат | Час (сек.) | Пам'ять (МіБ) | № | Дії |
Element Type | Is Unofficial | Місце | Хто | Група | Group Id | Розширена група | Group Ex Id | Бали | Штраф | Results | Is Current User | № | Дії | 2024 - R3 |