Platform Release Notes

Version 4.2 - June 2024

  • Teacher role
    • new Teacher role is now available
    • Algotester offers free access to the Contest platform for Ukrainian schools and universities
    • upon a Teacher request, a dedicated Event page will be created for the corresponding school
    • a Teacher can create and manage contests within their school page
    • the Contest guide Article is available at
  • Other fixes and adjustments
    • adjusted Contest management page texts
    • brief and extended forms for Contest as well as Contest Problem
    • upon successful Contest registration, a user is redirected to the corresponding Event page

Version 4.1 - May 2024

  • Platform
    • the core has been upgraded to .NET Core 8.0
    • the host operating system has been upgraded to Debian 12
    • the judge module uses Control Group v2
    • the College button is back
  • New compilers
    • C (gcc version 14)
    • C++ version 23
    • Java version 23
  • Other fixes and adjustments
    • default Time Limit and Memory Limit values are used when a new Problem is created
    • Output Limit property has been removed from Problem management pages
    • fixed Problem source update for Compilers with no text editor support

Version 3.3 - December 2023

  • New compilers
    • C++ version 20
    • Java version 19
    • Free Pascal version 3.2.2
  • Other fixes and adjustments
    • solved system message localization issues
    • fixed the Back button link to the corresponding event on the Contest page
    • fixed penalty calculations in interactive scoreboards
    • Contest manager scoreboards with restricted access
    • processing of invalid problem Scorer output
    • code editor search support
    • improved Problem status update on source changes

Version 3.2 - August 2023

Мої зміни: - виправлений підрахунок штрафного часу в інтреактивній таблиці - розпорядники змагання знову можуть бачити таблицю змагання якщо вона не доступна учасникам змагання
  • New compilers
    • C++ version 20
    • Java version 19
    • Free pascal version 3.2.2
  • Other fixes and adjustments
    • solved system message localization issues
    • fixed Back button link to the corresponding event on Contest page
    • fixed penalty calculations in interactive scoreboards
    • Contest manager scoreboards with restricted access
    • processing of invalid problem Scorer output
    • enabled browser search in HTML editors
    • improved Problem status update on source changes

Version 3.1 - June 2023

  • Platform
    • the core has been upgraded to .NET Core 6.0
    • Donate button has been added to the top navigation bar
    • the Donation page allows users to support Algotester via the Liqpay service
  • User account managenent
    • on the profile management page, it is possible to request personal information Update or account Deletion
    • such requests will be processed by Algotester managers
    • if any additional information is needed, the user will be contacted via e-mail
    • an account's primary e-mail can now be changed
    • deleted user account references in a scoreboard or submission list will be displayed as plain text which corresponds to the user account name before the deletion
  • Notifications
    • submission evaluation progress of problem Solution
    • problem build progress on a Problem management page
    • plagiarism check progress on a Contest management page
  • Other fixes and adjustments
    • improved e-mail subject and message sent to administrators on user requests
    • improvements of the Plagiarism check algorithm
    • clear plagiarism data button on a Contest management page

Version 2.24 - May 2023

  • Problem tags
    • Tags are now available in the problem Archive
    • there are two types of tags: difficulty (blue) and topic (gray)
    • clicking on a tag triggers the corresponding problem archive filter
    • tags can be hidden on the problem archive page
  • Problem tests
    • Statements-only tests now have the corresponding description on a Problem management page
    • the Generator test group now allows only a non-negative number of cases, at most 747
  • Help articles
    • the Ukrainian version of user help and problem-setter guide articles have been updated
    • both articles are now displayed in the universal HTML/PDF mode
  • Other fixes and adjustments
    • image display issues in HTML articles
    • duplicate form submission on inquiry and user profile pages
    • Algotester landing page is now available at

Version 2.23 - March 2023

  • Notifications
    • new notification subsystem based on SignalR
    • contest clarification updates will trigger corresponding user notifications
  • Breadcrumb navigation
    • contest internal name is replaced with the proper statement name
    • for event contests, its event link will be displayed instead of the tournament
  • Problem sources
    • for randomization, a hash string can be appended to generator arguments
    • updates and extensions to shared Algotester C++ libraries
    • fixed compiler library filtering
  • Other fixes and adjustments
    • users can send personal information update requests to the platform managers
    • pending solutions are not shown as accepted
    • improved broadcast email batching
    • PDF articles can be displayed in HTML mode in a way similar to problem statements
    • general contest scoreboard improvements
    • Bootstrap table library upgrade

Version 2.22 - February 2023

  • Contest
    • number of unofficial participants in the scoreboard
    • the unofficial participant checkbox is hidden if the scoreboard contains no such participant
    • contest managers can override the default 20 minutes penalty for ICPC problems
    • the last improvement penalty can be calculated as a sum or a maximum over contest problems
  • Problem source libraries
    • a new problem source type Library
    • there are local (related to a specific problem) and global libraries
    • a problem source that is not a library can include any local or global libraries having the same compiler
  • Other fixes and adjustments
    • Cloudflare turnstile support
    • separate contest problem scoreboard issues
    • first successful solutions highlighted in General contests
    • a problem manual Test marked as Statements only will not be used during judge testing
    • not available text for PDF articles
    • byte order mark display issue for solution source codes
    • a new inquiry or contest clarification will be sent as an email to the corresponding managers

Version 2.21 - December 2022

  • Judge
    • new PyPy compiler
  • Contest scoreboard
    • summary row at the bottom with total and successful attempt counts for each problem
    • for ICPC contests, the first successful solution for each problem is highlighted with green
    • table header contains hyperlinks to the contest problems as well as hints with problem names
    • a row with the current user or their team is highlighted with gray
    • contestant group filters
    • hide/show unofficial participants
    • attempt counts before and after the scoreboard freeze are displayed separately​

Version 2.20 - November 2022

  • Compilers
    • Python 3 syntax check at the compilation stage
  • Problems
    • Tags are now available on the Archive management page
    • any Archive problem can be added to Contest via the management page
  • Plagiarism
    • Contest managers can check plagiarism for problem solutions
    • submissions are grouped by programming language and then checked against each other
    • plagiarism record is added for every pair of solutions with different authors and a similarity score of at least 50%
  • Other fixes and adjustments
    • improved Tag UI in the Archive problem list
    • fixed broken Archive problem links in editorials
    • monitoring bot has been launched, which periodically checks if the Algotester website is available

Version 2.19 - October 2022

  • Tags
    • problem taggings
    • tag categories
    • short and long tag names
    • public category tags are displayed in the problem Archive
  • Problems
    • new Pending Changes problem status
    • the status is shown on the management page
    • the status is set to Pending Changes after any significant change of a problem, its sources, or tests
    • if manual samples are updated, all problem Statements are submitted for processing
    • when updated, a problem Statement is automatically submitted for processing
  • Other fixes and adjustments
    • generator samples are not shown in HTML statements
    • cache update for Problems, Contests, and Teams
    • Articles can now be submitted for processing from the management page
    • website meta headers

Version 2.18 - August 2022

  • Problem statements
    • HTML statements are now available
    • HTML statement is shown by default where possible
    • sample input and output can be easily copied in the HTML view
  • Problem page design
    • both contest and archive problem pages have the new design
    • the new design combines an HTML statement and submission section on the same page
    • users can switch between HTML and PDF views
    • easy navigation to the problem submission section and other contest problems via sibling tabs
  • Teams and contests
    • all members can now access a contest on behalf of the team
    • only the captain can register the team for the contest
    • in case there are multiple contest registrations affiliated with a user, an individual or captain registration will have the priority, otherwise, the oldest registration will be used

Version 2.17 - July 2022

  • Interactive problems
    • an interactive Problem uses an interactive Checker
    • a solution and a checker communicate to each other via standard input and output using the protocol specified in the problem
  • Singe test run
    • problem setters, contributors, and administrators can run a solution on a single test
    • the detailed execution report includes all input and output files as well as judge verdicts, running times, and used memory
    • the execution data can be downloaded as a ZIP archive

Version 2.16 - June 2022

  • Account confirmation
    • before using your account, you must confirm it first by following a verification link sent to your email during the registration
    • if an unconfirmed user tries to log in by providing their correct password, a new verification link will be generated and sent to the email address
  • Password reset
    • if you have forgotten your password, you can generate a password reset link which will be sent to your email
    • if an unconfirmed user tries to reset their password, an account confirmation link will be sent to the email first

Version 2.15 - December 2021

  • Judge
    • new C++ 17 compiler
    • optimized judge queue management
  • Performance
    • web pages are rendered faster
    • the platform can serve a higher number of concurrent users
  • Contests
    • public access mode to contest statements, problems, and clarifications
    • new scoreboard type Problem allows displaying contest leaderboard separately for each problem
  • Problems
    • visualizer support
    • non-manual sample tests
    • statement tab on a contest problem page
    • in Problem scoreboard mode, there will be a corresponding tab on a contest problem page
    • Tags can be assigned to problems by Writers and Admins
  • Other fixes and adjustments
    • resources can be updated
    • display of date and time missing values
    • user account update roles action fix

Version 2.14 - October 2021

  • Internationalization
    • translatable text support in Articles and Events
  • Sponsors page
    • responsive layout
  • Other fixes and adjustments
    • email broadcast improvements
    • time zone fix for date and time input
    • social links layout

Version 2.13 - July 2021

  • Problem archive
    • the new User solutions section lists all users who successfully solved the problem
    • Solved by on the archive index page is now a link to the corresponding User solutions section
  • Statements and Articles
    • localized image and figure labels
    • additional LaTeX packages can be added via the Custom Imports section
  • Problem management
    • submit problem action available directly from the problem management page
    • interactive test generation progress on the Result section
    • direct access to submission source code for both Checker and Scorer
  • Email broadcast
    • new admin section Broadcasts
    • filter recipients by contest participation, their submission activity, and rank
    • email message template editor
  • Other fixes and adjustments
    • SVG favicon with the 16x16 ICO as a fallback
    • new contest group SVG icon sets: country flags and Ukrainian region coat of arms
    • fixed contest problem submission page when only file option is available
    • ​invalid date fix for non-required values like event Start and End
    • links are now opened in a new browser tab

Version 2.12 - May 2021

  • Time and date
    • ​relative timestamps, e.g. a week ago, display the absolute time and date on hover
    • absolute timestamps are rendered in the user language and time zone
    • event Start and End are links to the corresponding page of
  • Problem statements
    • fixed hyphenation for the Ukrainian language
  • Resources and source codes
    • article or problem resources can be made public
    • problem source code can be made viewable to the public
  • Contest registration groups
    • contest registration group selections can have images, e.g. countries with flags
    • a scoreboard shows participants with corresponding images on the right
    • an admin contestant page displays all registrations with group selections and their images
  • Other fixes and adjustments
    • fixed ​contestant registration by admin page
    • database connection improvements

Version 2.11 - April 2021

  • New web site pages
  • Left black menu improvements
    • collapsed \ expanded state persists between page visits
    • mouse hover in collapsed state shows only one menu item
    • menu header displays Algotester logo
  • Contest registration enhancements
    • contest settings allow up to two registration group sets
    • unofficial participation has separate contest settings including groups
    • contest admin can edit registration entry
  • Scoreboard fixes and changes
    • ​interactive scoreboard fixes
    • unofficial participants have no rank and different style
  • Other fixes and adjustments
    • ​table data loader works fine in Internet Explorer
    • better automatic locale detection in case if no language provided by the request